donderdag 24 maart 2011

The Game of Time

The game board consists of 21X21 Fields
The game is designed for four players in the following colors: Black, Green, Red and Blue

The Hourglass

Every player has an Hourglass, represented by a row of seven Pins of different heights, capable of holding up to 33 Time-Rings. The Time-Rings are used to construct Buildings and the amount of Time-Rings in the Hourglass determines the possible buildings a player can construct.

Every player starts with four Time-Rings:

The Building row shows the player’s possibility of buildings it can produce that turn. During the start of the game for example, a player is allowed to build buildings having a Space/HP value of up to two (Houses and Factory’s). Note that a player needs an increasing amount of Time-Rings in order to construct buildings with higher Space/HP values. (An Instrument Maker building for example, needs eight+five+three+two+one+one = twenty Time-Rings in a player’s Hourglass)

Starting the Game

Every player starts with one Centrum, placed in his/her corner of the board, two Fields away from every side. Every player must now take one House, one Factory and one Barracks and place it on the board. A newly placed building must always be placed diagonally adjacent to an existing building:

In the picture above, the black buildings are placed correctly, but the red building is not because two sides are vertically or horizontally adjacent to another building.

After every player has positioned his Centrum, House, Factory and Barracks, the black player starts, followed by red, then green and finally the blue player.


A turn consists of four different Phases:


Time Phase

First, collect one Time-Ring from your Centrum. Then, collect one Time-Ring from any unfinished buildings.
Ór decide not to progress this turn and pick two Time-Rings from your Centrum instead of one. You will not be possible to collect from unfinished buildings and you will skip the construction-phase this turn.
Place any collected Time-Rings in the player’s Hourglass.


First, check your Hourglass to determine the maximum Space/HP value you can construct this turn.
If desired, a player can now construct as many buildings as he wants, using the Time-Rings from his Hourglass.
Take the chosen building(s) from the box.
Place it on a desired place on the board, always diagonally adjacent to one of your existing buildings.
Take as many Time-Rings from your Hourglass as the Space/HP value of the building and place them on the main Pin.

As soon as all the Time-Rings are collected (during the Collection-Phase), the building is finished.


NOTE: The Training-Phase and Movement Phase can be switched if desired.

The Barracks can train up to four units. To train a unit, follow the following steps:

Take one Unit from one of your Houses (if you have none, you can not train a unit)
Place the Unit on one of the Spawning Points of the Barracks
Take two Unit-Rings from any of your Factory’s and place one on the Movement Attribute, and one on the Defense Attribute.

The unit doesn’t require any Time-Rings, it is finished as soon as you Train it (this is why you can switch the Training- and Movement-phase, so that you can move this Unit immediately). It is, however, possible to place additional Unit-Rings on the Unit, one Unit-Ring per Unit, per turn. Every Unit is allowed to have up to three Unit-Rings per Attribute. The number of Unit-Rings on a specific Attribute Pin is called his Attribute value.
Every Unit has four Attribute’s: Attack, Defense, Movement and Chrono.


Every Unit has at least one Movement Attribute. This Attribute determines the amount of Fields a Unit can move per turn. The maximum amount is three (Fields per turn).
Every turn a player can move any or all of his units up to an amount of the Unit’s Movement Attribute.


As soon as two Units from different players are on adjacent Fields (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) they are considered In Combat.
Units in combat have to compare their Attack and Defense Attributes:

For every Attack Attribute, Distract one Defense Attribute from the opponents total. Do this for both Units (there is no attacker or defender, both units are fighting.)
If, after reduction of Defense Attributes, a Unit has zero or less Defense Attributes, the Unit is defeated (note that both Units can be defeated together).
Should a Unit be defeated, all of his Unit-Rings return to the player’s own Factory(’s). The Unit itself should be returned to a desired (empty) House.
If neither Unit has enough Attack Attribute’s to defeat an opponent, the two Units are no longer considered In Combat.
A player may combine the Attack Attribute’s of multiple units if they are on Adjacent Fields next to any Opponents. The Attack and Defense Attributes of all Units of every player should be added together, before distracting Defense Attributes. Note that if a player loses the combat now, it loses more than one unit at a time.


Units can also attack enemy buildings. This goes in the same way as combatting other Units; as soon as a Unit is on a Field adjacent to a building, it may attack that building.
Again, players have to compare the Attack and Defense (Space/HP) values:

If the attacking player has an equal or bigger amount of Attack points compared to the building’s HP value, the building suffers a hit.
For every hit the building suffers, the attacking player places one Time-Ring from the Centrum of the attacked player, on the attacked building.
As soon as there are as much Time-Rings on the attacked building as the building’s HP value, the building is destroyed. Remove the building from the board and place it in the box. Return the Time-Rings to the opponents Centrum.
A player may combine the Attack Attribute’s of multiple units if they are on Adjacent Fields next to the building. This is necessary for destroying stronger buildings. (remember that every Unit can have a maximum of three Unit-Rings per Attribute)
Buildings in construction have a HP value of their final HP minus any Time-Rings that are still on it. (remember that you have to add Time-Rings when inflicting a hit, so the building is also destroyed faster)


Chrono Units (trained at the Instrument Maker) can steal Time-Rings when attacking buildings. When a Chrono Unit destroys a building, it may take all the Time-Rings and place them on his own Centrum (instead of on the opponents Centrum). Chrono Units may be combined with other Units to destroy stronger buildings. They will, however, only collect a number of Time-Rings equal to their Attack Attribute(‘s).

Chrono Units can also be used to steal Time-Rings from buildings in construction of the same player. This doesn’t require any comparing of Attack values, since it is not considered an attack but a regular move. As soon as a Chrono Unit is on a Field adjacent to a building in construction, it may take one (extra) Time-Ring from that building every turn (As long as it is on a Field adjacent to that building).

Every player can have a variety of seven buildings:


Space/HP : 1
Time Cost/Build-Time : 2
Max. Amount : 10

The House is the most basic building.
When completed, put a Unit Piece on top of the House.


Space/HP : 2
Time Cost/Build-Time : 3
Max. Amount : 4

The Factory is a key building for producing Units.
When completed, put three Unit-Rings on the Pin of the Factory.

Factory’s increase their production capacity whenever a player completes an additional Factory. One factory produces three Unit-Rings. Two factory’s produce five Unit-Rings. Three Factory’s produce 8 Unit-Rings. Four Factory’s produce thirteen Unit-Rings. This adds up to a total of twenty-nine Unit-Rings available per player.
Factory’s have the exception of being allowed to be build touching each other, following the following drawing:


Space/HP : 5/3 (?)
Time Cost/Build-Time : 4
Max. Amount : 2

The Barracks trains Units.

During the Training-Phase, a player can order up to four Units. For every ordered Unit, transfer one Unit-Piece from a completed House to one of the Spawning Points (marked “o” in the drawing). Upon order, a player must add two Unit-Rings from a completed Factory to the Unit-Piece, one for Defense and one for Movement. The ordered Unit can now move in the Movement-Phase of the player’s turn. However, a Unit can also be granted more Attributes by adding one additional Unit-Ring per turn on any desired Attributes of the Unit (Attack, Defense, Movement).


Space/HP : 3/5 (?)
Time Cost/Build-Time : 5
Max. Amount : 3

The Tower adds additional range and defense to a Mounted Unit.

When a Unit of the same color as the Tower is on the “o” Field of the tower, it is considered as being “Mounted”. A Mounted Unit’s Attack Attribute will now determine the Attack Attribute of the tower. The tower is allowed to fire at one of the desired “x” positions per turn with the Attack Attribute of the Mounted Unit.
Whenever the Mounted Unit moves away or is engaged in combat, the tower is no longer able to attack.

Instrument Maker

Space/HP : 8
Time Cost/Build-Time : 7
Max. Amount : 1

The Instrument Maker adds the Chrono Ability to Mounted Units.

The Instrument Maker building starts with three Unit-Rings on its Pin.
Units can Mount the Instrument Maker building the same way as it Mounts a Tower. Once per turn, during the Training-Phase, a player can take one of the Unit-Rings from the Instrument Maker and place them on the Chrono-Attribute Pin of the Unit. That Unit now has the Chrono Ability

Units with the Chrono Ability are able to steal Time-Rings from friendly and hostile buildings. This can be used to either speed up construction of friendly buildings, steal Time-Rings from hostile buildings in construction or steal Time-Rings from hostile Centrums and other buildings. A Chrono Unit can steal Time-Rings from hostile Centrums and other buildings by dealing damage to that building; One Time-Ring for every HP of damage dealt to the attacked building.
Stolen Time-Rings are transfered to the player’s Hourglass.


Space/HP : 13
Time Cost/Build-Time : -
Max. Amount : 1

The Centrum is the core building of every player. Every player starts with one Centrum and cannot build an additional Centrum. The Centrum starts with 33 Time-Rings which players use throughout the game for constructing buildings.
On each turn a player can choose to either take one Time-Ring from the Centrum plus one Time-Ring from every building in progress, ór skip his Construction-Phase this turn and take two Time-Rings from the Centrum. Any taken Time-Rings are placed in the Player’s Hourglass.

1 opmerking:

  1. This is the rules I wrote so far. They are intended for use by ourselves, not the Audience. Me and Willem will make a different version for that (probably more unclear, with a performance of us and two others at the Villa). There are pictures in the original of all the buildings and the board, but I made them using table's in a text program and couldn't copy them here. Will make pictures of them this weekend.
